iBook Design Illustration

iBook Design Illustration

Throughout the 30 Essa Learning Multi-touch books we have designed, I have illustrated many pages throughout them from a small scale to large multi-page designs to ensure the viewer clearly understands what the information on the page is saying.

I created a house style design of grey scale primarily with an accent colour which fits the subject the book is based upon – Example Sport which is red would be red accents. I used this throughout all the books to keep a consistent style as well as having a high detailed vector approach when illustrating within them.

The best place to see these illustrations is in the books on the Apple iBooks Store and see them live. The designs vary in each book but keeping the same style throughout, these range from illustrations from Viking boats and musical instruments to highly detailed physics based experiments and how to change a plug instructions. More examples are available in my printed and digital portfolio available for future interviews.

*Click view full size on the illustrations to see all the details.